Ghadeer Saeed’s work is emotionally, politically, and philosophically charged. She predominantly explores topics of war, love and chaos with a residing nostalgic feel. Numerous digital and physical layers of collage that seamlessly blend monochromatic backgrounds and sparse yet vivid bursts of color is her signature aesthetic.

Ghadeer was born in Libya to Jordanian parents of Palestinian descent. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Architecture. Ghadeer’s architectural background is reflected in the linear nature of her work, lending to it a complexity in execution that is fitting of the complexity of her stories.

Over the years, Ghadeer has developed a unique style through which she juxtaposes iconic Oriental and global subjects with heavily interlaced photographs, many of which are her own creations. Her digital collages are brought to life through giclée printing, the golden standard for archival inkjet printing.

Some of Ghadeer’s key solo exhibitions include “Modern Mystique” at Semra Ecer Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey (2017), “Creative Chaos” at Dar Al-Anda Art Gallery, Amman, Jordan (2013), and her lauded participation in the 2016 edition of Beirut Art Fair with Dar Al-Anda through her evocative series “The Levant”.

Ghadeer’s artworks are available for purchase online through our partner gallery, Marsoum Art Collective

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